Professional Senior Care Management

We are Professional Senior Care Management L.L.C..  We provide geriatric care management to seniors in a variety of living environments and situations.  We provide an in-depth multi-faceted assessment, develop a personalized care plan, arrange services and follow-up or monitor care.

We are not home health, hospice or long term care.  We can work in conjunction with these services. 

Our services provide peace of mind to those family members living far from the senior.  We know about the calls for help. . . from a distance.  Many adult children must help from a distance when their older parents and other relatives need help.  While dealing with children, work and daily stressors the task of caring for the senior can be a difficult, stressful and time consuming task.   Our services are a great relief and comfort for the senior as well as the family members.  Peace of mind comes from knowing mom or dad will not be alone if something happens at 3am.  Peace of mind comes from knowing you will be kept informed and involved to the extent you want to be. 

If you are an older adult or someone who is concerned about an older adult who is struggling with health, medical or quality of life concerns Professional Senior Care Management may be very beneficial.

We are able to :

  • Provide strategies for the senior to stay safe and independent at home
  • Coordinate all of the client's care
  • Attend doctor's appointments as support and to communicate concerns and important information
  • Manage medications
  • Identify problems; Prevent and resolve conflicts
  • Screen, arrange and monitor help or other services
  • Make recommendations for the most appropriate community resources
  • Provide advocacy and education
  • Act as a liaison to families at a distance, making sure things are going well and alerting families to problems
  • Accompany the client to the emergency room and provide crisis intervention
  • Enhance the client's quality of life by recommending meaningful social, spiritual and cultural activities, and accompany as needed
  • Monitor nursing home care and their documentation for area's of concern
  • Investigate concerns of elder abuse

We are located in Monroe in Northeastern Louisiana .  We respect our elders and treat them with dignity.  Our love for the elderly is felt by our clients and seen in the quality of our work.

"Wisdom fills the elderly like water fills a reservoir.  For this wellspring to flow, we must maintain a pipeline of respect."

  • He who greets and constantly reveres the aged, four things will increase to him;              life, beauty, happiness, power.                                                            Buddhism

With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding.             Judaism

  • Treat with reverence due to age the elders in your own family.               Confucianism

Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father                                    Christianity

  • When an elder speaks, be silent and listen.                        Mohawk        Native American

To honor an old man is to show respect to God.                                     Islam

  • A village without elders is like a tree without roots.  Nilotic Proverb          African wisdom